Аналитический обзор по BTC. Глобально ситуация по BTC не изменилась, тестов ключевых зон не было.

18 Jul 2023, 15:42
Аналитический обзор по BTC Глобально ситуация по BTC не изменилась, тестов ключевых зон не было. Произошла остановка на нижней границе текущего бокового канала (диапазон ~ $29,800 $30,500), но коррекция еще не завершена. Локальный рост по-прежнему возможен, т.к. он не повлияет на структуру коррекции. На данный момент ситуация выглядит нисходящей, поэтому ждать рост с текущих уровней нецелесообразно. В свежем отчете Relictum Analytics представлены возможные сценарии дальнейшего движения цены и даны рекомендации по каждому из них. 📊 А что вы думаете об изменениях на рынке? Поделитесь своими мнением в комментариях к этому посту и нашем чате Relictum Academy: ✍️ | Начать обучение | Чат | Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | Youtube | Linkedin | Vk | TradingViev |

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Relictum Pro
Relictum ProGTN #3502
18 Jul 2023, 15:43
BTC market review Globally, the situation for BTC has not changed, there were no tests of key zones, but there was a stop at the lower border of the current side channel (range ~ $29,800 $30,500), but the correction has not yet been completed. Local growth is still possible, as will not affect the correction structure. Now, the situation looks downward, so it is not reasonable to wait for growth from current levels. The latest Relictum Analytics report presents possible scenarios for further price movement and provides recommendations for each of the options. 📊 What do you think about the changes in the market? Please, share your thoughts in the comments below this post and our Relictum Academy chat: ✍️ | Start learning | Chat | Instagram | Twitter | Linkedin | TradingView | Youtube |
BTC market review.
BTC market review Globally, the situation for BTC has not changed, there were no tests of key zones, but there was a stop at the lower border of the current side channel (range ~ $29,800 – $30,500), but the correction has not yet been completed. Local growth is still possible, as will not affect the correction structure. Now, the situation looks downward, so it is not reasonable to wait for growth from current levels. The latest Relictum Analytics report presents possible scenarios for further price movement and provides recommendations for each of the options. 📊 https://www.tradingview.com/chart/BTCUSDT/OQLNwar1-BTC-Analytics-Jul-18/ What do you think about the changes in the market? Please, share your thoughts in the comments below this post and our Relictum Academy chat: ✍️ https://t.me/relictum_academy_global_group | Start learning | Chat | Instagram | Twitter | Linkedin | TradingView | Youtube |