Аналитический обзор по BTC.

07 Jul 2023, 12:33
Аналитический обзор по BTC Вчера цена BTC достигла нового ценового максимума 31,436, но не закрепилась на этом уровне, а в течение последних двух недель она колебалась в диапазоне от 29,500 до 31,400. Чтобы продолжить рост, мы ожидаем манипуляции ниже 29,500, где будем искать точки входа на более низких таймфреймах. Если такое не произойдет и цена продолжит снижаться, то можно ожидать, что BTC уйдет в зону скидок, к предыдущему максимуму примерно 28,000. В свежем отчете Relictum Analytics на графиках отображены варианты движения цены, а также даны рекомендации для инвесторов по каждому из вариантов 📈 А что вы думаете об изменениях на рынке? Поделитесь своими мнением в комментариях к этому посту и нашем чате Relictum Academy: ▶️ | Начать обучение | Чат | Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | Youtube | Linkedin | Vk | TradingViev |

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Relictum Pro
Relictum ProGTN #3502
07 Jul 2023, 12:33
BTC market review Yesterday, the price of BTC reached a new height of $31.436, but did not fix at this level. Over the past two weeks, it has fluctuated within the range from $29,500 to $31.400. To continue rising, we expect manipulation below $29,500, where we will look for entry points on lower timeframes. If this does not happen and the price continues to decline, we expect BTC to go into the discount zone, to the previous high of about $28,000. The latest Relictum Analytics report shows price movement options on the charts, as well as recommendations for investors on each of the options. 📈 What do you think about the changes in the market? Please, share your thoughts in the comments below this post and our Relictum Academy chat: ▶️ | Start learning | Chat | Instagram | Twitter | Linkedin | TradingView | Youtube |
BTC market review. Yesterday, the price of BTC reached a new height of $31. 436, but did not fix at this level.
BTC market review Yesterday, the price of BTC reached a new height of $31.436, but did not fix at this level. Over the past two weeks, it has fluctuated within the range from $29,500 to $31.400. To continue rising, we expect manipulation below $29,500, where we will look for entry points on lower timeframes. If this does not happen and the price continues to decline, we expect BTC to go into the discount zone, to the previous high of about $28,000. The latest Relictum Analytics report shows price movement options on the charts, as well as recommendations for investors on each of the options. 📈 https://www.tradingview.com/chart/BTCUSDT/WSXWBmrz-BTC-Analytics-Jul-7/ What do you think about the changes in the market? Please, share your thoughts in the comments below this post and our Relictum Academy chat: ▶️ https://t.me/relictum_academy_global_group | Start learning | Chat | Instagram | Twitter | Linkedin | TradingView | Youtube |