Аналитический обзор по BTC.

04 Jul 2023, 16:27
Аналитический обзор по BTC Принимая во внимание позитив на рынке, а также уменьшающуюся волатильность, вполне логично прогнозировать резкий всплеск торговых объемов на биржах в США после выходного дня. Около двух недель цена BTC находится в боковом движении и зажата между уровнями ~29500 и ~31500. Оcновным драйвером всплеска объемов и волатильности может стать новость об окончательном создании спотового BTC-ETF. В свежем отчете Relictum Analytics представлены два возможных сценария дальнейшего движения цены в случае хороших и плохих новостей и даны рекомендации для инвесторов по каждому из вариантов. ➡️ А что вы думаете об изменениях на рынке? Поделитесь своими мнением в комментариях к этому посту и нашем чате Relictum Academy: | Начать обучение | Чат | Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | Youtube | Linkedin | Vk | TradingViev |

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Relictum Pro
Relictum ProGTN #3502
04 Jul 2023, 16:29
BTC market review Taking into account the positive mood of the market, as well as decreasing volatility, it is quite logical to predict a sharp surge in trading volumes on US stock exchanges after the holiday. For about two weeks, the price of BTC has been in a sideways movement and is sandwiched between the levels of ~29500 and ~31500. The news about the final creation of the spot BTC-ETF will be the main driver of the volumes and volatility surge. The latest Relictum Analytics report presents two possible scenarios for further price movement in case of positive and negative news and provides recommendations for investors on each of the options. ➡️ And what do you think about the changes in the market? Please, share your thoughts in the comments below this post and our Relictum Academy chat: | Start learning | Chat | Instagram | Twitter | Linkedin | TradingView | Youtube |
BTC market review.
BTC market review Taking into account the positive mood of the market, as well as decreasing volatility, it is quite logical to predict a sharp surge in trading volumes on US stock exchanges after the holiday. For about two weeks, the price of BTC has been in a sideways movement and is sandwiched between the levels of ~29500 and ~31500. The news about the final creation of the spot BTC-ETF will be the main driver of the volumes and volatility surge. The latest Relictum Analytics report presents two possible scenarios for further price movement in case of positive and negative news and provides recommendations for investors on each of the options. ➡️ https://www.tradingview.com/chart/BTCUSDT.P/0qVzipie-BTC-Analytics-Jul-4/ And what do you think about the changes in the market? Please, share your thoughts in the comments below this post and our Relictum Academy chat: https://t.me/relictum_academy_global_group | Start learning | Chat | Instagram | Twitter | Linkedin | TradingView | Youtube |