Аналитический обзор по BTC. «Несите водички, здесь биткоину плохо» Будет обвал.

20 Jul 2023, 16:10
Аналитический обзор по BTC «Несите водички, здесь биткоину плохо» Будет обвал? 📊 После достижения локального минимума 29,500$ текущего бокового диапазона наблюдаются попытки быков вернуть цену в этот прежний боковой диапазон 29500$ - 31500$. Сейчас можно наблюдать набор локальных Long позиций участниками рынка, и их стоп-ордера сработают при следующей волне снижения, которая должна пробить уровень 29,500$. Это спровоцирует снижение к уровню 28,500$ - основной цели коррекции. Однако, в текущей ситуации возможны как снижение, так и рост с ретестом зоны 30,500$-31,000$. В свежем отчете Relictum Analytics представлены возможные сценарии дальнейшего движения цены и даны рекомендации по каждому из них. А что вы думаете об изменениях на рынке? Поделитесь своими мнением в комментариях к этому посту и нашем чате Relictum Academy: 🖊️ | Начать обучение | Чат | Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | Youtube | Linkedin | Vk | TradingViev |

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Relictum Pro
Relictum ProGTN #3502
20 Jul 2023, 16:11
BTC market review “Bring some water, bitcoin feels bad here” Will there be a collapse? 📊 After reaching a local low of $29,500 of the current sideways range, bulls made some attempts to return the price to the former sideways range of $29,500 - $31,500. Now we can observe a set of local long positions by market participants, and their stop orders will be triggered during the next wave of decline, which should break through the $29,500 level. This will provoke a decline to the level of $28,500 - the main target of the correction. However, in the current situation, both a decrease and an increase are possible with a retest of the $30,500-$31,000 zone. The latest Relictum Analytics report presents possible scenarios for further price movement and provides recommendations for each of them. What do you think about the changes in the market? Please, share your thoughts in the comments below this post and our Relictum Academy chat: 🖊️ | Start learning | Chat | Instagram | Twitter | Linkedin | TradingView | Youtube |
BTC market review. "Bring some water, bitcoin feels bad here" Will there be a collapse.
BTC market review “Bring some water, bitcoin feels bad here” Will there be a collapse? 📊 After reaching a local low of $29,500 of the current sideways range, bulls made some attempts to return the price to the former sideways range of $29,500 - $31,500. Now we can observe a set of local long positions by market participants, and their stop orders will be triggered during the next wave of decline, which should break through the $29,500 level. This will provoke a decline to the level of $28,500 - the main target of the correction. However, in the current situation, both a decrease and an increase are possible with a retest of the $30,500-$31,000 zone. The latest Relictum Analytics report presents possible scenarios for further price movement and provides recommendations for each of them. https://www.tradingview.com/chart/BTCUSDT/2xtZ1tFM-BTC-Analytics-Jul-20/ What do you think about the changes in the market? Please, share your thoughts in the comments below this post and our Relictum Academy chat: 🖊️ https://t.me/relictum_academy_global_group | Start learning | Chat | Instagram | Twitter | Linkedin | TradingView | Youtube |