Наша команда получает большое количество вопросов о сроках запуска второго уровня обучения. Мы готовы дать ответы:.

06 Jul 2023, 07:42
❓Наша команда получает большое количество вопросов о сроках запуска второго уровня обучения. Мы готовы дать ответы: ⏱️ Все материалы по курсу готовы и команда работает над добавлением их на платформу. Для всех, кто оплатил курс «Начинающий» доступ будет открыт 15 июля. 📣В день запуска все, кто оплатил курс получат извещение на почту со ссылкой на новые учебные материалы, а на нашем официальном канале выйдет еще один пост. Следите за нашими новостями, мы будем держать вас в курсе самых значимых и актуальных событиях в жизни Relictum Academy. | Начать обучение | Чат | Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | Youtube | Linkedin | Vk | TradingViev |

Same news in other sources

Relictum Pro
Relictum ProGTN #3502
06 Jul 2023, 07:42
❓Our team has received a number of questions about the terms of launch of the second training level. We are ready to answer: ⏱️ All the materials on the course are ready, and our team is working on adding them to the platform. Everyone, who has paid for the Beginner course, gets access to it on July 15. 📣On the launch day, everyone who paid for the course will receive an email notification with a link to new training materials, and we will post about it on our official channel. Follow our news, we will keep you up to date with the most significant and relevant events in the life of Relictum Academy. | Start learning | Chat | Instagram | Twitter | Linkedin | TradingView | Youtube |
Our team has received a number of questions about the terms of launch of the second training level. We are ready to answer:.
❓Our team has received a number of questions about the terms of launch of the second training level. We are ready to answer: ⏱️ All the materials on the course are ready, and our team is working on adding them to the platform. Everyone, who has paid for the Beginner course, gets access to it on July 15. 📣On the launch day, everyone who paid for the course will receive an email notification with a link to new training materials, and we will post about it on our official channel. Follow our news, we will keep you up to date with the most significant and relevant events in the life of Relictum Academy. | Start learning | Chat | Instagram | Twitter | Linkedin | TradingView | Youtube |