Уважаемое криптосообщество.

31 May 2023, 17:25
Уважаемое криптосообщество! 💻 30 мая на платформе CyberYozh, аудитория которой насчитывает почти 20 тысяч человек, прошла открытая трансляция лекции «Эволюция торговых платформ и технический анализ в крипте» от автора наших курсов, Романа Черкашина. Роман выступил в качестве приглашенного эксперта и его авторскую лекцию в прямом эфире слушало более 300 человек. Материал, представленный в этом видео, поможет сформировать фундамент общей грамотности в сфере криптоиндустрии, что в дальнейшем облегчит изучение сложных современных технологий и методик, поэтому мы настоятельно рекомендуем вам просмотреть его. Видео доступно для просмотра на Youtube: Переходите по ссылке, пишите комментарии, делитесь своим мнением в нашем чате: ✍️ | Начать обучение | Чат | Twitter |Instagram | Facebook | Youtube| |Linkedin | Vk | TradingView |

Same news in other sources

Relictum Pro
Relictum ProGTN #3502
31 May 2023, 17:25
Dear crypto community! 💻 The open broadcast of the lecture The Evolution of Trading Platforms and Technical Analysis in Crypto by Roman Cherkashin, the author of our courses, was held on May 30, on the CyberYozh platform with audience of almost 20,000 people. Roman was invited as a guest expert at CyberYozh, and more than 300 people listened to his author's lecture live. The material presented in this video will help to build a general literacy foundation in the field of the crypto industry, which will further facilitate the study of complex modern technologies and techniques, so we strongly recommend you to watch it. The video is available on Youtube: Follow the link, write your comments, share your opinion in our chat: ✍️ | Start learning | Chat | Instagram | Twitter | Linkedin | TradingView | Youtube |
Dear crypto community.
Dear crypto community! 💻 The open broadcast of the lecture The Evolution of Trading Platforms and Technical Analysis in Crypto by Roman Cherkashin, the author of our courses, was held on May 30, on the CyberYozh platform with audience of almost 20,000 people. Roman was invited as a guest expert at CyberYozh, and more than 300 people listened to his author's lecture live. The material presented in this video will help to build a general literacy foundation in the field of the crypto industry, which will further facilitate the study of complex modern technologies and techniques, so we strongly recommend you to watch it. The video is available on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z37GL7oPoRc Follow the link, write your comments, share your opinion in our chat: ✍️ https://t.me/relictum_academy_global_group | Start learning | Chat | Instagram | Twitter | Linkedin | TradingView | Youtube |