Уважаемое сообщество Relictum Academy.

10 Jul 2023, 15:22
Уважаемое сообщество Relictum Academy! В Relictum Academy добавлен функционал частичной оплаты продуктов Relictum Academy с помощью токенов GTN- до 30% стоимости. Как это сделать: ▶️ Необходимо пополнить баланс в кабинете Relictum Academy GTN-ами ▶️ Выбрать продукт и способ оплаты. ▶️ В строке “Оплата до 30% за GTN” указать количество токенов для оплаты. ▶️ Завершить оплату выбранным методом. Обращаем Ваше внимание! В строке оплата за GTN указываете количество GTN, которое хотите использовать для оплаты. Конвертация стоимости GTN в USDT происходит автоматически, на основе рыночного курса токена GTN на бирже LBank на момент проведения операции. После завершения процедуры материалы курса будут доступны в разделе “Мои курсы” в личном кабинете Relictum Academy. | Начать обучение | Чат | Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | Youtube | Linkedin | Vk | TradingViev |

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Relictum Pro
Relictum ProGTN #3502
10 Jul 2023, 15:23
Dear Relictum Academy community! Relictum Academy has added a new functionality of partial payment for Relictum Academy products using GTN tokens up to 30% of thier costs. How to do it: ▶️ First replenish your balance in the Relictum Academy account with GTNs ▶️ Select a product and payment method. ▶️ In the “Pay up to 30% in GTN” line indicate the number of tokens for payment. ▶️ Complete the payment using the selected method. Please pay your attention to the following: In the GTN payment line, enter the amount of GTN you want to use for payment. The conversion of the value of GTN to USDT occurs automatically, based on the market rate of the GTN token on the LBank exchange at the time of the transaction. After completing the procedure, the course materials will be available in the “My Courses” section in the Relictum Academy personal account. | Start learning | Chat | Instagram | Twitter | Linkedin | TradingView | Youtube |
Dear Relictum Academy community.
Dear Relictum Academy community! Relictum Academy has added a new functionality of partial payment for Relictum Academy products using GTN tokens up to 30% of thier costs. How to do it: ▶️ First replenish your balance in the Relictum Academy account with GTNs ▶️ Select a product and payment method. ▶️ In the “Pay up to 30% in GTN” line indicate the number of tokens for payment. ▶️ Complete the payment using the selected method. Please pay your attention to the following: In the GTN payment line, enter the amount of GTN you want to use for payment. The conversion of the value of GTN to USDT occurs automatically, based on the market rate of the GTN token on the LBank exchange at the time of the transaction. After completing the procedure, the course materials will be available in the “My Courses” section in the Relictum Academy personal account. | Start learning | Chat | Instagram | Twitter | Linkedin | TradingView | Youtube |