Уважаемые пользователи. Вы наверное заметили, что на нашей платформе действует система геймификации.

17 Jul 2023, 08:26
Уважаемые пользователи! Вы наверное заметили, что на нашей платформе действует система геймификации. Мы поощряем самых активных и успешных пользователей. 🌟Баллы можно получить за успешную и быструю сдачу тестов и выполнение практических заданий, за ежедневную активность на платформе, скорость прохождения материала, за заполнение профиля, за успешное прохождение теории, и просто за дебют в Relictum Academy. Подробнее о баллах и порядке их начисления вы можете узнать в разделе «Геймификация» в личном кабинете на платформе Relictum Acadеmy https://education.relictum.academy/ Впоследствии эти баллы можно будет обменять на приятные бонусы. Какие именно? Об этом мы расскажем чуть позже.🙌 Следите за нашими новостями, впереди еще много интересного! | Начать обучение | Чат | Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | Youtube | Linkedin | Vk | TradingViev |

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Relictum Pro
Relictum ProGTN #3502
17 Jul 2023, 08:26
Dear users! You have probably noticed a gamification system on platform has. We encourage the most active and successful users. 🌟Points can be earned for successful and quick passing tests and completing practical tasks, for daily activity on the platform, for quick completion, for filling out a profile, for successfully completing theory, and just for debuting at Relictum Academy. You can learn more about points and the procedure for accruing them in the Gamification section in your account on the Relictum Academy platform, https://education.relictum.academy/ Subsequently, these points can be exchanged for nice bonuses. What are the bonuses? We will talk about this a little later.🙌 Follow our news, there are still a lot of interesting things ahead! | Start learning | Chat | Instagram | Twitter | Linkedin | TradingView | Youtube |
Dear users. You have probably noticed a gamification system on platform has. We encourage the most active and successful users.
Dear users! You have probably noticed a gamification system on platform has. We encourage the most active and successful users. 🌟Points can be earned for successful and quick passing tests and completing practical tasks, for daily activity on the platform, for quick completion, for filling out a profile, for successfully completing theory, and just for debuting at Relictum Academy. You can learn more about points and the procedure for accruing them in the Gamification section in your account on the Relictum Academy platform, https://education.relictum.academy/ Subsequently, these points can be exchanged for nice bonuses. What are the bonuses? We will talk about this a little later.🙌 Follow our news, there are still a lot of interesting things ahead! | Start learning | Chat | Instagram | Twitter | Linkedin | TradingView | Youtube |